
Global Heritage Perspectives 3 Webinar

Global Heritage Perspectives - Rebalancing Needs (3/5)

Successful heritage preservation projects often require the careful balancing of different – and sometimes rival – needs and priorities.
In this session we explore heritage preservation projects where the differing needs of people, the environment and wildlife collide, and explore the approaches taken to rebalance these urgencies.
In a period of fast-paced change within the heritage field, we talk with those working to address evolving issues, re-positioning their approaches to heritage management and looking to new and innovative methodologies to achieve their aims.

Please follow this link to view this sessions' live illustration:

Global Heritage Perspectives 4 Webinar

Global Heritage Perspectives - International Consensus Building: Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches to Cultural Heritage Protection (4/5)

Recognising the intersectoral role that protecting and promoting cultural heritage has across multiple environments and agendas, this session explores how best to build consensus to support effective bilateral and multilateral action on the global stage.
How best can government, civil society and stakeholders talk to each other? How can we facilitate meaningful dialogue in both directions? What voice can we have on a local, national or international arena?

Please follow this link to view this sessions' live illustration:

Global Heritage Perspectives 5 Webinar

Global Heritage Perspectives - Memory, Now (5/5)

What, who and how we remember is a constantly shifting arena and hotly debated topic within the heritage sector.

The sharing of inherited knowledge, documentation of memory and the resultant creation of cultural narratives all play vital roles in the protection of heritage.

In this session we look at the various ways we create, document, and share cultural memory and knowledge; exploring how memory is built and remembered across tangible, intangible and digital spaces.

Please follow this link to view this sessions' live illustration:

Archive Collections in Crisis

Join us as we bring together 3 archival institutions working across the Middle East and North Africa to discuss emergency planning, implementing disaster management strategies and working towards sustainable recoveries. Addressing the varied nature of collections - from photographs and film, to books, manuscripts, built heritage, and the digital - the event will highlight the approaches and experiences of organisations in protecting tangible and intangible heritage. Discussion will address the creation of emergency plans, the use of technological safeguards, training and resources, as well as the importance of proactive collaborations and investment in sustainable safeguarding. Six months on from the explosion in the Port of Beirut, the event will reflect on how best to protect collections and colleagues amid continuously challenging contexts, while facing compounding crises.

This event is produced in partnership between the Arab Image Foundation and the V&A’s Culture in Crisis Programme.

Cultural Heritage Protection in a post-Covid Landscape - Introductory Session (1/5)

Between June and September 2020, The British Council, DCMS and the V&A partnered to produce a series of interactive workshops, hosted by our Culture in Crisis Programme, that explored the role cultural heritage protection has to play in 'building back better', as the world moves forward into development landscapes significantly transformed by Covid-19.
The five sessions within the series each convened panels to discuss various strategic areas within this topic, including sustainability, development and the role of digital technologies.

In Session 1, the British Council, DCMS and V&A presented the opening session of the interactive workshop series.