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Showing 10 of 131 resources

Publication Announcement: Heritage at War: Plan and Prepare

Emerging from and building upon the international conference coordinated by the Culture in Crisis Programme and held at the V&A South Kensington in February 2023, this book addresses how the military, the heritage sector and other stakeholders in Human Security can, and must, collaborate to give primacy to people and protect tangible and intangible cultural heritage under attack.

Upcoming Conference: Timeless Archives, Timely Connections: Preserving Endangered Documentary Heritage and Inspiring Collaboration

This international conference will bring together many of the institutions, individuals and activists in documentary heritage preservation. There will be sessions on EAP, preservation strategies from key organisations and funding opportunities, and the sharing of case studies of cultural heritage protection against risks caused by climate change, conflict or war. Attendees will also be able to engage with their peers on the most urgent and incipient challenges and opportunities in the field, including the comparative costs of protecting the physical archive versus digitisation, new risks in the digital world, designing strategic approaches, and how to engage more diverse audiences with the protection of documentary heritage.

  • Venue: British Library
  • Dates:

Book Your Place Now - Destruction by Design: The Legacies of Damage to Cultural Heritage

The Victoria and Albert Museum’s Culture in Crisis Programme, in partnership with University of Stirling and V&A Dundee, are pleased to announce an international conference Destruction by Design: The Legacies of Damage to Cultural Heritage, taking place on 20 September at V&A Dundee, Scotland.

  • Venue: Online & In Person at V&A Dundee, Scotland
  • Date:
  • Time: