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Showing 10 of 131 resources

Insitutue of Art and Law: Heritage and Sustainability Seminar

We are pleased to announce that our postponed seminar called ‘Heritage & Sustainability: Legal issues in protecting cultural and natural heritage for future generations’ will now be running online on 29 March 2022. This seminar will cover all the major issues that touch upon sustainability and the historic environment.

  • Venue: Zoom
  • Date:
  • Time:


World Monuments Fund (WMF) today announced the 2022 World Monuments Watch, a selection of 25 heritage sites of extraordinary cultural significance facing global challenges and whose preservation is urgent and vital to local communities. These sites illuminate the effects of global issues such as climate change, imbalanced tourism, underrepresentation, and recovery from crisis, underscoring the need for greater action to support heritage places and the people who care for them.