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Showing 10 of 131 resources

The Prince Claus Fund is announcing the independence of the Cultural Emergency Response (CER)

The Prince Claus Fund is proud to announce the independence of the Cultural Emergency Response (CER). Cultural Emergency Response was established in 2003 to provide first aid to cultural heritage that is threatened, damaged or destroyed by conflict or disaster. Envisioned to grow and become an independent organisation from its start, CER has established itself as a leader in the culture heritage rescue field and is ready to take the next step as of July 2022.

Building Cultural Bridges: Community Engagement at the Mosul Cultural Museum in Iraq

In 2020, World Monuments Fund (WMF) joined the Mosul Cultural Museum (MCM) Rehabilitation Project, led by an international coalition including the Iraqi State Board of Antiquities and Heritage (SBAH), the Musée du Louvre, the Smithsonian Institution, with support from the International alliance for the protection of heritage in conflict areas (ALIPH), to return the museum to the citizens of Mosul and to all Iraqis.

Culture In Crisis Online Event: Understanding the Illicit Trade under ISIS in Syria

Join us for an online discussion exploring the illicit trade of cultural property in Syria, under the ISIS regime. From the regulated looting of heritage sites to the systems of trade and management which trafficked archaeological finds out of the country, we explore new evidence which brings to light the precedence, practice and prevalence of these activities.

  • Venue: Zoom
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