ROCK - Regeneration and Optimization of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities

The H2020 ROCK project focused on historic city centres as extraordinary laboratories to demonstrate how Cultural Heritage can be a unique and powerful engine of regeneration, sustainable development and economic growth for the whole city.

The H2020 ROCK project, coordinated by the Municipality of Bologna and involving 33 partners around Europe, among which 10 cities, 7 Universities, SMEs, networks of cities and CH expert, aimed to support the transformation of historic city centres afflicted by physical decay, social conflicts and poor life quality into creative, accessible and sustainable districts through shared generation of new environmental, social and economic processes.

From 2017 to 2020, the project aimed to develop an innovative, collaborative and systemic approach to promote the effective regeneration and adaptive reuse in historic city centres by implementing a series of successful heritage-led regeneration initiatives inspired by 7 Role Model selected cities: Athens, Cluj-Napoca, Eindhoven, Liverpool, Lyon, Turin and Vilnius.

The replicability and effectiveness of the approach have been tested in 3 Replicator Cities, Bologna, Lisbon and Skopje, where different models addressing the specific needs of each historic city have been applied, also working on new site management plans and on associated innovative financing mechanisms.

Photo credits: Margherita Caprilli for Fondazione Innovazione Urbana

Project Details

Location: Cluj-Napoca, Eindhoven, Lyon, Liverpool, Turin, Bologna, Vilnius, Romania, Lithuania, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Netherlands, Athens, Northern Europe, Lisbon, Skopje, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Southern Europe, North Macedonia, Portugal, Europe, United States of America Organiser(s): Municipality of Bologna Project partner(s): Cities and universities of Athens, Bologna, Eindhoven, Lisbon, Skopje, Vilnius; Cluj-Napoca, Liverpool, Lyon, Turin; University of York; SMEs; cities networks; CH, sustainability and innovation experts Funder(s): European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Fund Funding received: €9,873,584 Commencement Date: 05/2017 Project Status: Completed
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