
Projects in France

ROCK accessibility 1

ROCK - Regeneration and Optimization of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities

The H2020 ROCK project focused on historic city centres as extraordinary laboratories to demonstrate how Cultural Heritage can be a unique and powerful engine of regeneration,…

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REDMONEST - Develoment of a Monitoring Dynamic Network for Existing Structures of Cultural Patrimony

REDMONEST’s main objective was to develop a real-time managing system to evaluate the corrosion process of ancient concrete exposed to natural aging (including several weather…

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IRIS project

IRIS - Inspiring rural heritage: sustainable practices to protect and conserve upland landscapes and memories

Europe’s upland landscapes are a rich and complex heritage. However, current conservation measures and land-use decisions consistently fail to consider the historic dimension …

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31 Crac de Chevalier c Mediatheque de l Architecture et du Patrimoine

Documenting the Sculpted Decoration of the Crac des Chevaliers

The Crac des Chevaliers fortress, known for its 13th century carved arcades and capitals, and a World Heritage Site, was damaged during conflict in 2013-14. MAP holds a reposi…

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7 Cite milleniaires exhibition c IMA T Rambaud 1

Exhibition “Age old cities. A virtual journey from Palmyra to Mosul"

The travelling exhibition recreates the cities of Palmyra, Aleppo, Mosul and Leptis Magna in virtual reality. It opened at the Arab World Institute in October 2018 and has sin…

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