In 2017 and 2018 the Nautical Archaeology Society undertook underwater archaeology field training in Lebanon, the aim of the course is to build capacity in the region with relation to recording underwater cultural heritage.

In 2017 and 2018 the Honor Frost Foundation funded an Underwater Archaeology Fieldschool in Lebanon, led by the Nautical Archaeology Society. The aim of the courses that were conducted over a week to ten days were to teach students from Lebanon how to survey and record underwater cultural heritage. The course was run in English with Arabic translation and in 2018 further funding was provided in order to translate some of the course material in to Arabic. The underwater cultural heritage resource of Lebanon is huge and there is potential for much more to be discovered, yet there are a relatively small number of maritime archaeologists in the region, the aim of the fieldschools is to increase capacity in the region to record, survey and monitor this resource, much of which is under threat from coastal development. Prior to the NAS training some of the students were also taught to dive to prepare them of the training (see other entry)