In response to requests from professionals on the ground, WMF partnered with the Foundation to Preserve Ukraine’s Sacral Arts, ICOMOS International, and ICOMOS Ukraine to deliver 440 water-mist fire extinguishers for the protection of Ukraine’s tserkvas.
Ukraine is home to over 2,500 wooden churches, or tserkvas, the largest number in the world. Eight of these wooden churches are included on the UNESCO World Heritage List of Wooden Tserkvas of the Carpathian Region in Poland and Ukraine. They are often located in remote rural communities and are particularly vulnerable to fire, especially in extreme conflict situations.
In response to requests from professionals on the ground, WMF partnered with the Foundation to Preserve Ukraine’s Sacral Arts, ICOMOS International, and ICOMOS Ukraine to deliver 440 water-mist fire extinguishers for the protection of Ukraine’s tserkvas.