Mausoleum of Shajar El-Durr Rehabilitation Project - Phase 2
Uncovering and conservation of newly discovered painted decorations on dome interior and tie beams, internal and external plaster and site presentation. Phase 3 of Athar Lina Initiative, an integrated participatory conservation and development intervention in al-Khalifa Street in Historic Cairo that transforms heritage into a communal resource. Project Director: May Al-Ibrashy

Uncovering and conservation of newly discovered painted decorations on dome interior and tie beams, internal and external plaster and site presentation. Phase 3 of Athar Lina Initiative, an integrated participatory conservation and development intervention in al-Khalifa Street in Historic Cairo that transforms heritage into a communal resource. This project extends the scope of Athar Lina 3 to include the rest of the monuments of Shajar al-Durr zone, to lower the subsurface water level for the area, conserve the remaining 3 domes and upgrade their surroundings and protect all four domes through a comprehensive management plan. The purpose of this project is to; 1) install a water drainage system for the entire monument zone (includes all 4 domes); 2) Conservation of the Fatimid domes of al-Sayyida Ruqayya, Ja’fari and ‘Atika; 3) Site development and management plan for the Shajar al-Durr monument zone. |
Project Details
Location: Cairo, Egypt, Northern Africa, Africa
Megawra Built Environment Collective
Project partner(s): Athar Lina
American Research Center in Egypt-Antiquities Endowment Fund
Funding received: $74,840
Commencement Date: 07/2015
Project Status: Completed
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