This project aims to build an on-site facility for the safe storage, documentation and conservation of finds from el-Sheikh Fadl in Middle Egypt. This site comprises a vast se…
Restoring coins is a way to offer a second life to ancient coins. In giving the opportunity to young conservators to learn about the latest techniques of coin conservation, ta…
The Egyptian National Library holds approximately 6,500 Islamic numismatic items including coins, glass weights, the largest collection of Egyptian coin dies in the world, and…
Uncovering and conservation of newly discovered painted decorations on dome interior and tie beams, internal and external plaster and site presentation. Phase 3 of Athar Lina …
The preparation of an online Egyptian Archaeological Database (EAD) was first proposed by the Theban Mapping Project in 1996, but it was not until 2012 that work began, on a s…
The tomb of Neferhotep (TT 49) is located at the Old Egyptian Necropolis in Thebes, built in the reign of Pharaoh Eye around 1320 BBC. TT 49 was discovered by European travell…
The project aims to maximize the value of the Cenotaph of Harwa (TT 37) to the public. With its more than 40,000 square feet, the Cenotaph of Harwa (later reused and slightly …
The project had two main aspects. The first was planning for the preservation and presentation of the monumental, mudbrick mastaba tomb complex of Weni the Elder, located in t…
"The tomb of Karakhamun was rediscovered in 2006. It collapsed, damaged by numerous floods and later occupants and completely disappeared beneath a heap of broken bedrock and …