Theban Tomb 110, located along the north eastern end of Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, on Luxor’s West Bank, has recently been the focus of work undertaken as part of ARCE Luxor’s large…
Hisn al-Bab is a unique early medieval fort on the Egyptian-Nubian border. Its towers and gateway are in danger of collapse. The project will stabilise and preserve these feat…
This book brings together the latest archaeological data and presents an entirely new in-depth study setting the parameters for Egypt as an early urban society, an aspect that…
Archaeological training for Inspectors of the Ministry of State for Antiquities at the Heit el-Ghurab settlement in Giza, integrated into the AERA/AUC archaeological training …
One of the few and perhaps the most visited ancient Egyptian settlements, the palace-city of Amenhoteo III at Malqata it is of tremendous importance to Egyptology but also of …
Conserving through analysis, documentation and publication of the material excavated at Kom el-Fakhry by the Mit Rahina Field-School 2011. The stratified settlement material r…
This project involves the conservation and redisplay of the First Intermediate coffin of the army commander Ipt-ha-Ishutef (ca. 2181-2055 BC) in the Oriental Institute Museum,…
Twenty-first Dynasty coffins are important social documents, but they are difficult to document, photograph, and analyze. This project will thoroughly photo-document coffins i…
This project is for the construction of a new storeroom and dedicated conservation lab space at the field house of the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, Expedition …