
Humanitarian Event

Heritage and Humanitarian Collaboration in Emergency Response

This roundtable event, recorded in April 2022, discussed bridging the gap between the heritage and humanitarian sectors, exploring themes relating to communication, collaboration and the role of heritage in peacebuilding.
It addressed how the cultural and humanitarian sectors engage in emergency response activities, as well as the routes - and obstacles – to better integration between our fields.

Laura Searson, Cultural Heritage Preservation Lead, V&A (Host)
Aparna Tandon, Senior Programme Leader, First Aid and Resilience for Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis, ICCROM
Camille Nussbaum, Executive Coordinator, Institute of Studies on Conflicts and Humanitarian Action
Vanessa Fraga Prol, Programme Manager, Cultural Emergency Response (CER)
Nadia Hashimi, CEO of Sayed & Nadia Consultancy (former World Bank Employee).

Collaborate for climate Event

Collaborate for Climate

In this online event, recorded in December 2021, we explore the value of collaboration in combatting the climate crisis, asking; how can cultural heritage play its part?

As we look to build a future that is more sustainable, equitable and ecological, we investigate the role that heritage can play in developing strategies and practical frameworks to support our fight to protect the planet.
In this session we bring together 3 heritage specialists working to unite efforts within and beyond the sector, to discuss the importance of networks and partnerships in their work.
Understanding that the health of people, wildlife and the environment are all deeply intertwined, we explore how we can learn from other sectors to support our mutual aims.

Archive Collections in Crisis

Join us as we bring together 3 archival institutions working across the Middle East and North Africa to discuss emergency planning, implementing disaster management strategies and working towards sustainable recoveries. Addressing the varied nature of collections - from photographs and film, to books, manuscripts, built heritage, and the digital - the event will highlight the approaches and experiences of organisations in protecting tangible and intangible heritage. Discussion will address the creation of emergency plans, the use of technological safeguards, training and resources, as well as the importance of proactive collaborations and investment in sustainable safeguarding. Six months on from the explosion in the Port of Beirut, the event will reflect on how best to protect collections and colleagues amid continuously challenging contexts, while facing compounding crises.

This event is produced in partnership between the Arab Image Foundation and the V&A’s Culture in Crisis Programme.