This project will target approximately seventy sites, including The Island of Meroe, and Gebel Barkal and sites of the Napatan Region for a topography study to define the boundaries of these archaeological sites. A new storeroom will be built next to the National Museum of Antiquities, and public education activities conducted.

The northern and middle Nile Valley, part of today’s Sudan, is home to an archaeological heritage that exemplifies rich architectural traditions, including pyramids, that shaped the region for more than 2,000 years. This project will target approximately seventy sites in this region, including The Island of Meroe, and Gebel Barkal and Sites of the Napatan Region, which are inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. This initiative will include a topography study to define the boundaries of these archaeological sites and set up physical barriers where needed. A new storeroom will be built next to the National Museum of Antiquities, and awareness raising activities on the importance of cultural heritage protection will be conducted. NCAM will implement the project in collaboration with the French Archaeological Unit of Sudan Antiquities Service.