Conservation of the 2nd-Century Temple of Artemis at Jerash
This project, which involves the documentation, emergency stabilization, and conservation of the temple, supports the U.S. embassy's efforts to foster economic growth and job creation, good governance, and engage civil society to ensure Jordan’s long-term stability and increase the Jordanian public’s knowledge of U.S. policy and values.
The ancient city of Jerash was once a melting pot of the Aramaic, Greek, Jewish, Nabatean, Roman and Arabic cultures and religions. [Photo credit: Askii - Own work, CC BY 3.0,]
Project Details
Location: Jarash, Jordan, Middle East, Asia
Monumenta Orientalia
U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation
Funding received: $200,000
Commencement Date: 09/2018
Project Status: Completed
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