Training Scholarships for Workshops on Documentation and Restoration of Architectural Heritage and Cultural Landscape in the M’hamid and Ich Oases

The project encompasses a series of workshops on architectural documentation and restoration, empowering women’s cooperatives, and a year-round communication campaign for knowledge sharing.

Terrachidia’s initiative focuses on revitalising architectural heritage and cultural landscapes in the M’hamid and Ich Oases in Morocco. With a history of engagement dating back to 2012, Terrachidia is deeply embedded within these communities, fostering collaborative efforts to safeguard their traditional building techniques and empower local artisans.

The project encompasses a series of workshops on architectural documentation and restoration, empowering women’s cooperatives, and a year-round communication campaign for knowledge sharing. The INTBAU Grassroots Grants Programme will provide critical support to amplify the impact of these initiatives by funding the participation in the workshops of students and professionals from developing countries, contributing to the apprenticeship programmes for women cooperatives, and funding the communications campaign to share the workshops’ results.

Terrachidia’s holistic approach holds immense potential for long-term impact on the built environment challenges faced by the oases, offering a blueprint for sustainable development and cultural preservation in vulnerable regions worldwide, and encouraging the new generations to embrace traditional architecture as solutions to modern challenges.

Project Details

Location: Morocco, Northern Africa, Africa Organiser(s): Terrachidia Funder(s): INTBAU Funding received: £5,000 Commencement Date: 05/2024 Project Status: Active
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