Language documentation with a focus on traditional culture among the Gavião and Suruí of Rondônia (Brazil)
The Endangered Language Documentation Programme (ELDP) provides grants worldwide to for the linguistic documentation of endangered language and knowledge. Grantees create multimedia collection of endangered languages. These collections are preserved and made freely available through the Endangered Languages Archive (ELAR) housed at the library of SOAS University of London.
The goal of the present project is the documentation of Gavião and Surui, two Mondé (Tupian) languages of Eastern Rondônia, Brazil. The project with provide support and technical assistance for these two groups to carry out the documentation of their traditional culture and the associated language. The recordings will be made available both to the native communities, constituting an encyclopedia of traditional knowledge, and to the general public, inclluding interested researchers.
Primary investigator: Dennis Moore
Project Details
Location: Brazil, South America, Brazil, Americas, United States of America
Endangered Languages Documentation Programme
Project partner(s): Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi
Funding received: £134,559.00
Commencement Date: 01/2012
Project Status: Active
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