Documenting Conversations in Ts’uut’ina
The Endangered Language Documentation Programme (ELDP) provides grants worldwide to for the linguistic documentation of endangered language and knowledge. Grantees create multimedia collection of endangered languages. These collections are preserved and made freely available through the Endangered Languages Archive (ELAR) housed at the library of SOAS University of London.
The project will provide an essential record of conversations in the highly endangered northern Dene language Tsuut'ina (srs) that will feature audio and video recordings of 8 hours of conversations with time-aligned textual documentation. We will record approximately half of the 30 fluent speakers of Tsuut'ina, who will self-represent their languages and contemporary culture through their choices of conversational topics. This documentation will facilitate analysis of conversational structure, the conversational construction of place and time, comparisons between Dene languages, and language learning by community members.
Primary investigator: Patrick Moore
Project Details
Location: Canada, Northern America, Americas
Endangered Languages Documentation Programme
Project partner(s): University of British Columbia, Office of Research Services
Funding received: £11,771.00
Commencement Date: 01/2014
Project Status: Active
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