Documentation and grammar of Gutob (Munda)
The Endangered Language Documentation Programme (ELDP) provides grants worldwide to for the linguistic documentation of endangered language and knowledge. Grantees create multimedia collection of endangered languages. These collections are preserved and made freely available through the Endangered Languages Archive (ELAR) housed at the library of SOAS University of London.
Gutob (ISO code gbj) is an endangered Munda language (Austro-Asiatic) spoken in Koraput district of Odisha, India and neighbouing districts in Andhra Pradesh. Estimates regarding the number of speakers vary between 15,000 and only 5,000. The community is rapidly shifting to Desia Oriya (ISO code dso), the local Indo-Aryan lingua franca. The main objective of the present project is the compilation of an annotated audio-video corpus. It will include speech acts from all domains in which Gutob is used. Additionally, the project will result in a grammar of Gutob which will be submitted as PhD thesis.
Primary investigator: Judith Voß
Project Details
Location: India, Southern Asia, Asia
Endangered Languages Documentation Programme
Project partner(s): University of Kiel
Funding received: £41,669.00
Commencement Date: 01/2012
Project Status: Active
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