
Projects in Germany

Aleppo omayy montage 1

Syrian Heritage Archive Project

The Syrian Heritage Archive Project was founded in 2013 with the aim to build a digital archive in response to the ongoing war-related destructions of heritage in Syria. Photo…

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7 Cite milleniaires exhibition c IMA T Rambaud 1

Exhibition “Age old cities. A virtual journey from Palmyra to Mosul"

The travelling exhibition recreates the cities of Palmyra, Aleppo, Mosul and Leptis Magna in virtual reality. It opened at the Arab World Institute in October 2018 and has sin…

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Aleppo Heritage Catalogue

Aleppo Heritage Catalogue

Aleppo Heritage Catalogue is a project on historical and architectural documentation of monuments in the world heritage site of Aleppo. It seeks a scientific and practical inq…

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Post conflict recovery of Urban Cultural Heritage in the Middle East: The case of Aleppo

The project focuses on studying the urban fabric of the world living heritage site of the old city of Aleppo. This trade metropolis, opulent in architectural monuments, has be…

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Interactive Heritage Map of Syria

Interactive Heritage Map of Syria

The Interactive Heritage Map of Syria seeks to document intangible aspects of heritage in Syria by documenting knowledge and collecting stories and memories from the community…

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