Rooswijk, a Dutch East India Company ship that sank off the coast of England in 1740 is at high risk and declining due to strong currents and shifting sands. Historic England …
Derelict for many years, Historic England is working with partners to restore Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings - a remarkable piece of the industrial revolution - and make it a pl…
The Heritage Crime Programme establishes responsibilities and an action plan to ensure a coordinated approach to tackling heritage crime and the problem of antisocial behaviou…
Developed in response to the government report on cultural education in England, our Heritage Schools programme aims to help school children develop an understanding of their …
Heritage Counts is a compendium of the best available evidence that might support advocacy for heritage and inform new initiatives. Historic environment professionals use the …
Historic England distributed £138 million to organisations in England, as part of £1.57 billion rescue package to safeguard cultural and heritage organisations from the econom…
The Taylor Review Pilot tested some of the recommendations of the 2017 ‘Taylor Review: Sustainability of English Churches and Cathedrals’. The pilot focused on Greater Manches…
The Heritage at Risk programme protects and manages England’s historic environment. It identifies sites at risk of being lost through neglect, decay or inappropriate developme…
Four years of nationwide cultural activity helping to make England's high streets more attractive, engaging and vibrant places for people to live, work and spend time. The cul…