The Heritage in the Crossfire project investigates the impact of ballistics on sedimentary stone, and their consequences for further deterioration. This is particularly import…
The Portable Antiquities Scheme ( records archaeological finds discovered by the public, to advance knowledge, tell the stories of past communities and further pu…
In 2017 the Heritage Craft Association published the HCA Red List of Endangered Crafts, the first research to rank UK craft skills by the likelihood they would survive into th…
The EHF, with local heritage bodies, aims to build a comprehensive database of painted churches, serving as a tool for their future monitoring, conservation and protection. A …
The EHF works with local communities, guides and tourist agencies to encourage sustainable tourism to Tigray’s painted churches. In subsidising rural economies, this plays a v…
In 2013, in collaboration with its Ethiopian partners and with the assistance of the Courtauld Institute, the EHF, carried out a survey of 9 painted churches in Tigray, Ethiop…