South America

Projects in South America


EU-LAC Museums

EU-LAC-MUSEUMS seeks to carry out out a comparative analysis of small to medium-sized rural museums and their communities in the EU and LAC regions, and to develop associated …

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Community Crafts and Culture

Community Crafts and Culture is a collaborative community project coordinated by the Museums, Galleries and Collections Institute (MGCI) at the University of St Andrews. This …

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Preservation of the Traditional Baniva Language

This project involves the compilation of a language dictionary and storybook in conjunction with workshops and activities to support Baniva communities in their efforts to pas…

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Preservation and Protection of the 5th-7th-Century Nazca Geoglyphs

This project involves a suite of activities to record and conserve the glyphs and to mitigate the risk of damage to the lines.

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Documentation of Afro-Bolivian Traditional Music and Dances

This project involves the documentation of traditional music and dances in 15 rural communities in the Yungas.

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Conservation of the 19th-Century Stabroek Market Clock in Georgetown

This project involves the conservation of the clock tower and reactivation of the market’s signature four face analog clock.

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Documentation of Afro-Colombian Burial Traditions in San Juan

This project involves the documentation of the gualíes and alabaos burial traditions.

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Conservation of 4th-Century BC Astronomical Horizon Markers at Chankillo Archaeological Site

This project includes the conservation of 13 horizon markers and local preservation capacity building.

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Documentation of Endangered Cultural Traditions of the Pai Tavytera Indigenous Community

This project involves the documentation of Pai Tavyera oral and craft traditions.

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