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RIWAQ Centre for Architectural Conservation

RIWAQ has transformed the concept of cultural heritage as an economic, social, and environmental liability into one that is a valuable tool for economic and social change. Through skill-building opportunities and job creation, we continue to preserve Palestinian cultural heritage while bringing life back into our historic centers and providing infrastructure for social and economic development across the region.

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RIWAQ Centre for Architectural Conservation Projects

3 Housh Imbsabeh in Qalandiya c RIWAQ

Heritage Challenging Fragmented Geography

This project will restore and enhance significant and endangered buildings and public spaces across four historic centres in the West Bank of the Palestinian Territories.

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5 kafr aqab ruins adjacent to the main road

The Life Jacket: the Revitalisation and Development of Rural Jerusalem

 This project aims to restore the historic centres of four villages in North West and North East Jerusalem, and build capacity in restoration for local workers and heritage pr…

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