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Directorate General of Antiquities, Lebanon

The Directorate General of Antiquities (DGA) or La Direction Générale des Antiquités et des Musées is a Lebanese government directorate, technical unit of the Ministry of Culture and is responsible for the protection, promotion and excavation activities in all sites of national heritage in Lebanon

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Directorate General of Antiquities, Lebanon Projects

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Conservation of Ancient Roman and Byzantine Monuments at Qalaat Faqra

This project includes a site survey, documentation, and the consolidation of some of the site’s Roman and Byzantine monuments.

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Conservation of Mosaics at the 7th-Century BC Eshmun Site in Saida

The project involves the documentation and conservation of mosaic pavements and fragments.

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Conservation of the 13th-Century Crusader Sea Castle at Saida

This project, which includes the documentation, conservation, and interpretation of the site, directly supports the Embassy's efforts to promote economic growth and social st…

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