The EHF works with local communities, guides and tourist agencies to encourage sustainable tourism to Tigray’s painted churches. In subsidising rural economies, this plays a v…
In 2013, in collaboration with its Ethiopian partners and with the assistance of the Courtauld Institute, the EHF, carried out a survey of 9 painted churches in Tigray, Ethiop…
This project aims to document the disappearing craft of cutting rock churches in Ethiopia and to make the videos and other documentary material available online for free.
This project aims to provide on-the-job training in digital documentation for Egyptian heritage specialists, to digitize and publish online glass plate photographs of early ar…
This project aims to assess the feasibility of nondestructive digital imaging technology to read texts on papyri in mummy cartonnages. All data, findings and methodologies wil…
This project will see the restoration of a traditional rock-salt mosque in the old fortified city of Shali, Egypt. Environmental Quality International will employ and supervis…